away to the
CPU Speed Accelerator
CPU Speed Accelerator allows you to drastically increase the CPU allocated to your foreground applications to make the most of the power of your Macintosh.
[...]At very low cost? You want to increase by 20% to 30% the speed of your applications without spending money in new hardware? You want to automatically always make the most of the power of your CPU to the foreground application you are using? Then CPU Speed Accelerator is what you need! CPU Speed Accelerator allows you to drastically increase the CPU allocated to your foreground applications to make the most of the power of your Mac. - It can increase by up to 30% the power of your Mac. - It automatically detects the foreground application you are using. - It redirects unused processing power of your CPU to the foreground application. - You can set the percentage of acceleration between 0% and 100%. - It tells the Process Manager of the UNIX layer of MacOS to always assign the maximum priority to the foreground application. - It appears in the right side of the menu bar. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is absolutely not harmful at all for you Mac and your Applications, since it does not modify anything on your Mac but just optimizes its processing power, only when the application is running. - It is available in Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 144
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Optimisation CPU Speed Accelerator
- Logiciel
Desktop Web Browser
Desktop Web Browser allows you to navigate the internet and to display webpages directly on the desktop of the Finder.
[...]You want to display a webpage as your desktop wallpaper? Then Desktop Web Browser is what you need! Desktop Web Browser allows you to navigate the internet and to display webpages directly on the desktop of the Finder. - You can navigate the internet directly on the desktop of the Finder. - You can set the URL of the webpage loaded by default at start. - You can set the transparency of the browser to see your original desktop wallpaper underneath. - You can set the refresh period of the browser if you want to automatically refresh the webpage periodically. - You just need to press the Alt key to open the links into Safari. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 100
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- Licence : Shareware
Internet Navigateur Desktop Web Browser
- Logiciel
Type And Creator Changer
Type And Creator Changer allows you to change the type and creator of any file manually or like another file.
[...]You want to give you own type and creator or to give the same ones as other files? You want to perform the type and creator conversion on several files at once? You want to associate file with the applications of your choice? Then Type And Creator Changer is what you need! Type And Creator Changer allows you to change the type and creator of any file manually or like another file. - It works with any kind of file (applications, documents, folders, ...). - You can launch it by double-clicking or by dropping on it the file you want to change the type and the creator. - It supports full drag and drop to select the original files and the target file you want your original file to be like. - It also accepts any kind of type and creator as target thanks to two free edit fields. - It has an options and help drawer to help you perform specific tasks when selecting the target document or application. - It has a fast conversion drawer to perform fast conversion even on several files at once. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Swedish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 19
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Type And Creator Changer
PDF Merger Mac
PDF Merger Mac is a free Mac OS X application that let you merge several PDF documents into one single PDF file.
[...]The merged PDF file will keep the original formatting, page size and page orientation. PDF Merger Mac also allows you to adjust the PDF sequence by the UP and DOWN buttons, which means you can simply add your PDF documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders. Merge 1,000+ PDF Files in few seconds [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 353
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire Productivité PDF Merger Mac
- Article
- VLC bientôt de retour sur iOS ?
En fin d'année 2010, la société Applidium avait effectué un portage de l'excellent lecteur vidéo VLC sur la plateforme iOS. Mais suite à des conflits au niveau de la licence protégeant le code source de l'application initiale, l'app avait finalement été retirée de l'App Store. Environ un an plus tard, il semble que les choses soient sur le point de changer. En effet, les éditeurs de l'application viennent d'annoncer que le moteur sur lequel se base VLC venait tout juste de changer de licence, afin d'adopter une licence LGPL. Un changement ayant pour principal objectif de faciliter le portage de l'application sur de nouvelles plateformes. [...]
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Actualités > VLC bientôt de retour sur iOS ?
ITunes Current Song Menu
ITunes Current Song Menu allows you to display the song currently played by iTunes (and other information) in the menu bar and to search for its lyrics.
[...]You want to open, play, pause and quit iTunes from the menu bar? You even want to search for the lyrics of the song currently played? Then ITunes Current Song Menu is what you need! ITunes Current Song Menu allows you to display the song currently played by iTunes (and other information) in the menu bar and to search for its lyrics. - It displays an icon or the song currently played by iTunes in the right side of the menu bar. - You can open iTunes, start playing, play previous track, play next track, stop playing and quit iTunes from the menu bar. - You can automatically search on the internet for the lyrics (or a list of lyrics) of the song currently played from the menu bar. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Spanish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 90
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia Audio ITunes Current Song Menu
- Article
- Box : Bouygues veut revenir dans la course
Malgré les problèmes techniques (surchauffe) et de distribution (gros retards de livraison) le FAI Free a frappé un grand coup avec sa Freebox Révolution, lancée il y a quelques mois maintenant. Il est vrai que techniquement, la concurrence est aujourd'hui assez loin derrière. Mais la donne pourrait changer d'ici quelques temps. En effet, Bouygues Telecom a annoncé aujourd'hui que le chantier concernant sa nouvelle génération de Box était lancé. Et les informations semblent prometteuses. [...]
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Actualités > Box : Bouygues veut revenir dans la course
- Logiciel
ASCII Viewer
ASCII Viewer allows you to display the full ASCII table and the ASCII code of pressed keys.
[...]You want to be able to convert pressed keys into their ASCII code and vice-versa? You want to view the full ASCII table? Then ASCII Viewer is what you need! ASCII Viewer allows you to display the full ASCII table and the ASCII code of pressed keys. - It displays the full ASCII table. - You can press any key on your keyboard to see its corresponding ASCII code in decimal, octal and hexadecimal value. - You can enter a decimal ASCII code to see its corresponding character on the keyboard. - The ASCII table automatically scrolls when you press a key or enter an ASCII code. - You can change the font and the size of the full ASCII table. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 32
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité ASCII Viewer
PDF Password Remover Mac
PDF Password Remover Mac is a Mac OS X application that removes PDF owner password and PDF restriction or limitation.
[...]Users only need to drag the locked PDF onto the PDF Password Remover window and then the application will start immediately. What Can You Do After Removing PDF Password - Copy the Content from PDF [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 179
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité PDF Password Remover Mac
- Logiciel
JPG to PDF Converter for Mac
JPG To PDF Converter for Mac creates PDF documents fromJPG, TIF, PNG, BMP or GIF files that you select.
[...]Simply drag and drop your images and photos onto the application, and click Convert Now button to start the task. If you want to change the page sequence, simply click the Move Up or Move Down buttons, or drag the image path and drop to the correct row. With JPG To PDF Converter for Mac, You can easily produce PDF eBooks from image materials, and create PDF contract from scanned images JPG (JPEG), TIFF (TIF), BMP, PNG, GIF. NOTE: This application can convert single-page TIFF format images to PDF documents, but CANNOT convert the Multi-page TIFF Image to PDF format. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 76
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité JPG to PDF Converter for Mac
- Logiciel
Get File Path
Get File Path allows you to copy to the clipboard the path of a file or folder dropped on it, after automatic application of various programmable transformations.
[...]You don't want to send full files to your colleagues by email but just a link in order to work on the same documents and not on copies? Then Get File Path is what you need! Get File Path allows you to copy to the clipboard the path of a file or folder dropped on it, after automatic application of various programmable transformations. - It works with any kind of file (applications, documents, folders, ...). - It uses pattern matching to copy and transform the name, and/or the path, and/or the parent folder path of the dropped file. - It can automatically insert other characters and tags during the copy, which is useful to create links for example. - It remembers the last pattern used. - It can automatically resolve aliases (files and paths). - It can use Unix paths as well as Mac paths. - It can copy the result to the clipboard or to an edit field. - It can automatically replace blank spaces by %20 in the paths. - It can automatically quit afterwards. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 37
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Get File Path
- Logiciel
Differences Examiner
Differences Examiner allows you to compare text files and display their differences.
[...]You want to highlight their differences to analyze them? Differences Examiner is what you need! Differences Examiner allows you to compare text files and display their differences. - You can compare and display differences between text files. - It shows you the differences by displaying identical, modified and missing lines in color. - It accepts any kind of text file such as plain text or source code. - You can drag and drop the files you want to compare on the window or on the icon of the application. - You can copy and paste or drag and drop the texts you want to compare on the window. - You can display line numbers on the left of each file. - You can hide the identical lines to display only the differences. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 14
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Differences Examiner
- Article
- Bouygues Telecom: une offre fibre à venir
Bouygues Telecom a annoncé hier qu'il comptait se lancer sans le "très haut débit" en proposant prochainement une offre fibre optique. Le FAI va "utiliser de manière autonome le réseau en fibre optique de Numéricable", suite à un accord dont on ne connaît que peu de détails. Toutefois, Bouygues a affirmé qu'il proposera "ses propres services Internet, téléphone, télévision et VOD", pour des tarifs encore inconnus. Le réseau fibré de Numéricable repose sur la technologie FTTB ou Fiber To The Building, la fibre arrivant donc en bas de l'immeuble, suivent ensuite des cablages classiques. Source
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Actualités > Bouygues Telecom: une offre fibre à venir
AROW 1.0
AROW organizes open windows on your Mac OS X. [...]
[...]You can instantly resize, position, arrange windows, simply by dragging them to the edges of your screen. Depending on where you drag a window, you can maximize your windows, position them side by side, take up half screen etc., AROW makes reading, organizing, and comparing windows so easy. You can set keyboard shortcuts to be more productive, and customize the event when clicking on one of the top left buttons, or lets you quickly resize a windows with the smart grid panel. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 55
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité AROW 1.0
- Article
- Mise à jour d'Interachy
Logiciel FTP extrêmement complet Interachy vient de passer en version 7.3.3 - 4 Mo Au programme (je rapelle que je suis toujours en grève de traduction) : ?Fixed a crash when printing/saving listings with disabled columns ? Fixed Reverse network lookup to show the IP address. ? Added Japanese translation [...]
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Actualités > Mise à jour d'Interachy
- Article
- Neuf Cegetel se lance dans la fibre optique
Neuf Cegetel a décidé de s'investir pleinement dans le déploiement et l'installation de la fibre optique, dans la lignée de Free ou d'Orange. Le directeur général du groupe a affirmé qu'il prévoit le lancement d'une offre FTTH (Fiber To The Home) pour le grand public dès 2007, dans quelques zones choisies au préalable. Afin de rendre ce déploiement facilité, le Neuf a racheté MédiaFibre, qui s'occupe du déploiement de la fibre optique à Pau. De plus la Neuf Box 4 et déjà prête pour recevoir la fibre optique à domicile, ce qui évitera un surcoût provoqué par l'échange des box. D'autre part, Neuf a annoncé que le temps d'attente sur sa Hotline sera gratuite dès le mois de février. [...]
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Actualités > Neuf Cegetel se lance dans la fibre optique
Font Viewer
Font Viewer allows you to list, compare, try and print all installed fonts on your system.
[...]You want to compare them? You want to display all their possible main characters in any style, any size and any color? You want to display them with your own text sample? [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 80
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Font Viewer
- Logiciel
Mouse Distance Measurer
Mouse Distance Measurer allows you to display the distance your mouse travels all day long.
[...]No? It's incredible! You could go around the world, really! [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 9
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Mouse Distance Measurer
PDF Editor Mac
PDF Editor Mac is a OS X free application that allows users to add text, insert images, put watermarks to label their copyright, changing font size and color, and perform other editings of a PDF document.
[...]After adding text and images, you can change the text font and color, resize the image height and width or move them as well. If you need to delete some words or text from the PDF, simply click on the eraser tool then erase. Rotating certain pages and modifying document layout is also important so as multiple drawing tools like lines, brushes, horizontal lines or vertical lines. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 957
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire Productivité PDF Editor Mac
- Article
- OphoneX mis à jour
OphoneX , le logiciel compatible avec le célèbre NetMeeting de Windows vous permettant de communiquer visuellement (Webcam) avec votre correspondant, vient d'être mis à jour. Il passe en version 0.4. La principale amélioration concerne la qualité de la vidéo qui vient d'être améliorée grâce au codec H.261. Voivi les autres nouveautés (en anglais) : Improved H.263 capability settings to allow H.263 video streams in both directions [...]
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Actualités > OphoneX mis à jour