be repeated To resend
- Logiciel
3DMF Viewer
You want to view 3D objects in 3DMF files? [...]
[...]You want to be able to compose 3D worlds with several objects? You want to be able to manipulate each object independently from each other? You want to be able to move freely in the 3D world around your objects? Then 3DMF Viewer is what you need! 3DMF Viewer allows you to view interactively and move freely through 3DMF objects. - You can open individual 3DMF files with an open dialog window or by dropping them on the viewer window. - You can view several 3D objects at the same time in a 3D world made of 3D objects loaded from several 3DMF files. - You are not limited to move around the objects and face their center but you can move freely in any direction as if you were visiting the 3D world. - You can select and manipulate the camera as well as all other individual objects in the 3D world. - You can view and edit the position, orientation and scale of the camera and the objects. - You can save and open the scenes you've created. - You can change the background color, the ambient light color and the flood light color. - You can turn on/off wireframe rendering, fog rendering and back faces rendering. - You can set the near rendering plane and far rendering plane distances. - You can set the ambient light brightness and flood light brightness. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Slovenian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 12
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia Imagerie 3DMF Viewer
- Logiciel
X To 3DMF Converter
X To 3DMF Converter allows you to convert Direct3D X files into 3DMF files.
[...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 82
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité X To 3DMF Converter
- Logiciel
EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
EasySplitMarge is a simple application that allows you to split a large file into smaller files that are more manageable, and merge them together when you need it.
[...]Split and merge back your files on Mac OS X.EasySplitMarge Supports large file with simple interface and easy to use. that allows you to split a large file into smaller files that are more manageable, and merge them together when you need it. If you have a large file that cannot be sent to another computer, you can quickly and easily spilt this large file into several smaller files by using this software. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 43
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Optimisation EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
- Article
- Le MacBook bientôt en rupture de stock ?
Le MacBook est sans conteste la star actuelle de la gamme d'ordinateurs Apple. Son succès est incontournable, notamment après des étudiants. La firme de Steve Jobs possède d'ailleurs désormais, grâce à son nouveau notebook, près de 12 % de part de marché au niveau des ordinateurs portables aux États-Unis. Jusqu'ici, la société avait relativement bien géré ses stocks, et anticipé le succès de sa machine, ce qui n'a pas toujours été le cas avec Apple dans les années précédentes. Mais avec la rentrée des classes, AppleInsider prévoit que les délais de réception des MacBook risquent de fortement s'allonger. [...]
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Actualités > Le MacBook bientôt en rupture de stock ?
- Article
- MSN bloque les adresses .Mac
Il y a quelques jours, Microsoft a mis à jour son Windows Live Messenger, et afin d'obliger les utilisateurs à effectuer la mise à jour, a décidé de refuser l'accès au service aux anciennes versions. Or, pour ce faire, il semblerait que Microsoft ait été obligé de modifier le protocole de communication MSN. Conséquence directe, il est dorénavant impossible de se connecter à MSN via une adresse qui n'est pas en @hotmail ou @messengerus. Beaucoup d'utilisateurs sur Mac ont donc eu la désagréable suprise ce matin de tomber sur ce message à l'ouverture de leur client de messagerie instantanée, alors qu'ils se connectaient comme d'habitude avec leur adresse en : Important service announcement: Because of a recent system update, you must change the e-mail address that you use to sign in to Windows Live(TM) Messenger. [...]
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Actualités > MSN bloque les adresses .Mac
Path to Park
Path to Park combat l'un des principaux facteurs de stress quotidien : garer votre voiture en ville.
[...]21 November 2015 , est la date de publication de Path to Park . Path to Park n'est pas une application très volumineuse, vous devrez cependant bénéficier de 9.9 Mo Mo sur votre terminal! Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 0
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- Licence : App Store
Pratique Pratique Path to Park
Screen Movie Recorder
Screen Movie Recorder allows you to record in a QuickTime movie what happens on your screen.
[...]You want to be able to record any selected region of your screen? You want to record them as QuickTime movies to replay them with QuickTime Player on Macintosh and Windows? Then Screen Movie Recorder is what you need! Screen Movie Recorder allows you to record in a QuickTime movie what happens on your screen. - It records in a QuickTime movie what happens on your screen. - You can set the number of frames per second of the record. - You can select the region to record and make it fixed or follow the mouse. - You can show or hide the mouse. - It appears in the right side of the menu bar. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Basque, Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and many other languages.Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 205
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Screen Movie Recorder
- Logiciel
ASCII Viewer
ASCII Viewer allows you to display the full ASCII table and the ASCII code of pressed keys.
[...]You want to be able to convert pressed keys into their ASCII code and vice-versa? You want to view the full ASCII table? Then ASCII Viewer is what you need! ASCII Viewer allows you to display the full ASCII table and the ASCII code of pressed keys. - It displays the full ASCII table. - You can press any key on your keyboard to see its corresponding ASCII code in decimal, octal and hexadecimal value. - You can enter a decimal ASCII code to see its corresponding character on the keyboard. - The ASCII table automatically scrolls when you press a key or enter an ASCII code. - You can change the font and the size of the full ASCII table. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 32
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité ASCII Viewer
Font Viewer
Font Viewer allows you to list, compare, try and print all installed fonts on your system.
[...]You want to compare them? You want to display all their possible main characters in any style, any size and any color? You want to display them with your own text sample? [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 80
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Font Viewer
PDF to Word Converter
[...]Pour cela, il met à votre disposition une interface intuitive depuis laquelle vous pourrez prévisualiser vos PDF et déterminer toutes sortes de réglages. PDF to Word Converter convertit une centaine de pages PDF en quelques minutes, y compris les fichiers comportant des graphiques, tableaux, colonnes multiples et autre image. Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 10334
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia Bureautique PDF to Word Converter
Photo to Poster EZ
[...]Il comprend 7 effets différents dont dessin, crayon ou encore pop art . Photo to Poster EZ prend en charge plusieurs formats de fichiers image : PNG, JPG, ainsi que TIF. Quel que soit votre niveau en photo, vous pourrez customiser vos images et en faire de vrais uvres d'art en modifiant les couleurs, en ajoutant un dégradé ou en jouant sur la saturation. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 78
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- Licence :
Multimedia Imagerie Photo to Poster EZ
- Logiciel
File Properties Editor
File Properties Editor allows you to edit several properties of any kind of files.
[...]You want to modify or reset their creation, modification or access date and time? You want to lock them to prevent their modification? Or you want to hide them so that nobody can see them? Then File Properties Editor is what you need! File Properties Editor allows you to edit several properties of any kind of files. - You can edit the properties of any kind of file (files, folders, applications, ...). - You can edit their name, their type, their creator, their creation date and time, their modification date and time, their access date and time. - You can set their type and creator like the ones of any other file. - You can set their creation, modification and access dates and times to the current time or any other time. - You can check their logical and physical size, for both the data and resource forks. - You can delete their data or resource fork. - You can locked them (to prevent them from being modified) and unlock them. - You can make them readable or not and writable or not. - You can make them visible or invisible (to hide them in the Finder so that nobody can see them). - You can make their extension visible or not. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 63
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité File Properties Editor
- Logiciel
Folder Backup
Folder Backup allows you to back up any folder into a single disk image archive with one simple click.
[...]Into a single disk image archive? With one simple click? Then Folder Backup is what you need! Folder Backup allows you to back up any folder into a single disk image archive with one simple click. - It backs up your folder into a single disk image archive which is compact and prevents from any involuntary access. - If you want you can possibly burn the resulting disk image archive onto a CD or DVD. - You can select the source folder you want to back up. - You can select the destination disk image in which you want to archive. - You can drag an drop the source folder you want to back up on the application's icon or the window's buttons. - When the backup is finished it can for example automatically shut down the computer. - It displays the remaining time during the backup. - You can cancel the backup when it's in progress. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Slovenian, Spanish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 43
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Sauvegarde Folder Backup
- Article
- [MAJ] Nouveau Mac Mini sous peu (en fait c'est deja fait)
Il semblerait qu'une mise à jour des Mac mini soit dans l'air du temps. Au programme de cette nouvelle version, le plus petit ordinateur de la gamme Apple se verrait greffer un processeur tournant à 1,3Ghz et 1,5Ghz, un nouveau disque dur tournant à 5400 tours par minute ainsi que pour le modèle SuperDrive, une vitesse de gravure passant de 4x à 8x. Mais mieux que des rumeurs, la confirmation : Nos amis de nous relayent une info interressante. Un client Américain aurait commandé un Mac mini la semaine dernière sur l'AppleStore et l'aurait reçu vendredi. [...]
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Actualités > [MAJ] Nouveau Mac Mini sous peu (en fait c'est deja fait)
Roxio Easy VHS to DVD pour Mac
[...]Les formats VHS, Hi8 et Video8 se dégradant et perdant leur qualité d'origine au fil du temps, Roxio Easy VHS to DVD pour Mac vous permet de les récupérer et ainsi de mieux préserver vos souvenirs : Roxio Easy VHS to DVD pour Mac convertit en quelques clics vos formats vidéo analogiques VHS, Hi8 et Video8 pour une lecture sur votre Mac ou sur des terminaux mobiles de type iPod et iPhone. Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 0
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia Lecteur Vidéo Roxio Easy VHS to DVD pour Mac
- Article
- Vous pouvez désormais jouer à Mario Kart Tour sur iPhone !
Jouer à Mario Kart sur son iPhone n'est plus un mythe. Nintendo a exaucé le vu des millions d'adeptes que compte sa franchise en développant une version mobile du jeu. Mario Kart Tour est enfin disponible après des mois d'attentes qui se sont soldés par une longue maintenance au lancement du jeu, mais tout cela n'est plus qu'un lointain souvenir ! Des serveurs pris d'assaut Le déploiement de Mario Kart Tour sur l'App Store a débuté ce mardi 24 septembre dans certains pays asiatiques parmi lesquels on compte le Japon, berceau de notre plombier préféré, la Thalande ou encore les Philippines. [...]
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Actualités > Vous pouvez désormais jouer à Mario Kart Tour sur iPhone !
AppleXsoftPhoto Recovery for Mac
AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac is comprehensive recovery software for any Digital Media.
[...]designed for Mac users, it featuring innovative recovery algorithms and an extremely easy interface that allows Mac users to recover deleted and lost photos, [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 40
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- Licence : Shareware
Sécurité Antivirus AppleXsoftPhoto Recovery for Mac
- Logiciel
Keystrokes Pronouncer
Keystrokes Pronouncer allows you to hear each pronounceable key you press on your keyboard.
[...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 5
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Keystrokes Pronouncer
- Logiciel
File Monitor
File Monitor allows you to be notified of modifications occurring to any kind of files.
[...]You want to monitor the content of particular folders or dropboxes? You want to monitor the modification of particular files? Then File Monitor is what you need! File Monitor allows you to be notified of modifications occurring to any kind of files. - You can monitor several files and folders at the same time. - You can drag and drop files and folders to add them in the monitoring window. - You can automatically add folders inside a root folder recursively. - You can adjust the monitoring period. - It can automatically start monitoring at launch. - You can open modified files when their modification is detected. - It can automatically send a full detailed email to any recipients when a modification is detected. - It can monitor modification dates, and/or sizes, and/or numbers of contained files (for folders). - It can automatically continue to monitor after a modification is detected. - It can bounce its icon when a modification is detected. - It can speak when a modification is detected. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 20
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité File Monitor
- Logiciel
JPG to PDF Converter for Mac
JPG To PDF Converter for Mac creates PDF documents fromJPG, TIF, PNG, BMP or GIF files that you select.
[...]Simply drag and drop your images and photos onto the application, and click Convert Now button to start the task. If you want to change the page sequence, simply click the Move Up or Move Down buttons, or drag the image path and drop to the correct row. With JPG To PDF Converter for Mac, You can easily produce PDF eBooks from image materials, and create PDF contract from scanned images JPG (JPEG), TIFF (TIF), BMP, PNG, GIF. NOTE: This application can convert single-page TIFF format images to PDF documents, but CANNOT convert the Multi-page TIFF Image to PDF format. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 76
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité JPG to PDF Converter for Mac