file logiciel 324 Flock
- Logiciel
EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
EasySplitMarge is a simple application that allows you to split a large file into smaller files that are more manageable, and merge them together when you need it.
[...]Split and merge back your files on Mac OS X.EasySplitMarge Supports large file with simple interface and easy to use. that allows you to split a large file into smaller files that are more manageable, and merge them together when you need it. If you have a large file that cannot be sent to another computer, you can quickly and easily spilt this large file into several smaller files by using this software. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 43
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Optimisation EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
- Logiciel
File Monitor
File Monitor allows you to be notified of modifications occurring to any kind of files.
[...]You want to monitor the content of particular folders or dropboxes? You want to monitor the modification of particular files? Then File Monitor is what you need! File Monitor allows you to be notified of modifications occurring to any kind of files. - You can monitor several files and folders at the same time. - You can drag and drop files and folders to add them in the monitoring window. - You can automatically add folders inside a root folder recursively. - You can adjust the monitoring period. - It can automatically start monitoring at launch. - You can open modified files when their modification is detected. - It can automatically send a full detailed email to any recipients when a modification is detected. - It can monitor modification dates, and/or sizes, and/or numbers of contained files (for folders). - It can automatically continue to monitor after a modification is detected. - It can bounce its icon when a modification is detected. - It can speak when a modification is detected. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 20
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité File Monitor
- Article
- Le navigateur Flock passe en version 1.1
Après une période de développement, le logiciel Flock vient de passer en version 1.1. Pour rappel, Flock est un navigateur internet qui se veut être le premier navigateur social. Entendez par là que vous pouvez accéder directement à de nombreux services tels YouTube, Facebook, Flickr, et ce depuis l'interface du logiciel. Cette nouvelle version de Flock apporte un certain nombre de nouveautés et autres améliorations, dont la liste est disponible ici. Sachez tout de même que les webmail Yahoo! [...]
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Actualités > Le navigateur Flock passe en version 1.1
- Logiciel
AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac v3.9.1
Easily split MP3 files based on silence, file size, pieces count, time or custom selections.
[...]If you want to quickly split up large MP3 files into smaller, more manageable pieces,AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac would be a handy tool. Such an easy-to-use MP3 splitter allows users to split, cut or trim a MP3 file and save results into new separate MP3, M4A, WAV, AAC, WMA etc files without reducing quality. AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac is software designed to make it very easy to cut, split, and trim MP3, M4A, and AAC audio files with a few simple clicks. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 75
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia Audio AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac v3.9.1
- Logiciel
[...]Il est basé sur Firefox 3 et bénéficie des avantages de celui-ci. Rapide, sécurisé, il offre en outre la possibilité de recourir à des modules pour étendre ses capacités. Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 5270
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- Licence : Freeware
Internet Navigateur Flock
- Logiciel
File Juicer
[...]Bien qu'il soit conçu principalement pour extraire différents éléments à partir d'un fichier, il peut aussi être utilisé pour restaurer des images et des vidéos effacées d'une carte mémoire Flash. File Juicer intègre également une option permettant de récupérer des bouts de texte à partir d'un document endommagé. Il est aussi capable de convertir les archives auto-extractibles en fichiers ZIP et de convertir les caches de l'iPhoto en images complètes. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 2844
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- Licence : Shareware
Pratique Pratique File Juicer
- Logiciel
Type And Creator Changer
Type And Creator Changer allows you to change the type and creator of any file manually or like another file.
[...]You want to give you own type and creator or to give the same ones as other files? You want to perform the type and creator conversion on several files at once? You want to associate file with the applications of your choice? Then Type And Creator Changer is what you need! Type And Creator Changer allows you to change the type and creator of any file manually or like another file. - It works with any kind of file (applications, documents, folders, ...). - You can launch it by double-clicking or by dropping on it the file you want to change the type and the creator. - It supports full drag and drop to select the original files and the target file you want your original file to be like. - It also accepts any kind of type and creator as target thanks to two free edit fields. - It has an options and help drawer to help you perform specific tasks when selecting the target document or application. - It has a fast conversion drawer to perform fast conversion even on several files at once. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Swedish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 19
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Type And Creator Changer
- Logiciel
X To 3DMF Converter
X To 3DMF Converter allows you to convert Direct3D X files into 3DMF files.
[...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 82
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité X To 3DMF Converter
- Logiciel
Get File Path
Get File Path allows you to copy to the clipboard the path of a file or folder dropped on it, after automatic application of various programmable transformations.
[...]You don't want to send full files to your colleagues by email but just a link in order to work on the same documents and not on copies? Then Get File Path is what you need! Get File Path allows you to copy to the clipboard the path of a file or folder dropped on it, after automatic application of various programmable transformations. - It works with any kind of file (applications, documents, folders, ...). - It uses pattern matching to copy and transform the name, and/or the path, and/or the parent folder path of the dropped file. - It can automatically insert other characters and tags during the copy, which is useful to create links for example. - It remembers the last pattern used. - It can automatically resolve aliases (files and paths). - It can use Unix paths as well as Mac paths. - It can copy the result to the clipboard or to an edit field. - It can automatically replace blank spaces by %20 in the paths. - It can automatically quit afterwards. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 37
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Get File Path
- Article
- Flock, de Firefox vers Chrome ?
Basé sur Mozilla Firefox, le navigateur web social Flock pourrait, à l'avenir, quitter le giron de la fondation Mozilla pour se baser désormais sur Chromium, le pendant libre de Google Chrome. C'est du moins l'idée émise tout récemment par Shawn Hardin, PDG de Flock, qui estime que ces derniers mois, la course aux navigateurs a été relancée avec des innovations trépidantes et séduisantes . La prochaine version du navigateur, la 2.1, devrait encore être basée sur Firefox, mais les démonstrations de Chrome et, plus récemment, de Safari 4, laisseraient les développeurs Flock indécis. Il faut dire qu'en matière de respect des standards, de performance et de rapidité, la bataille entre les différents navigateur se fait de plus en plus acharnée. De plus, des sources internes auraient affirmé que Mozilla ne ferait pas assez d'efforts pour tenir compte des besoins de l'équipe de Flock et qu'il serait alors plus facile de développer un projet basé sur Chromium. [...]
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Actualités > Flock, de Firefox vers Chrome ?
- Logiciel
File Properties Editor
File Properties Editor allows you to edit several properties of any kind of files.
[...]You want to modify or reset their creation, modification or access date and time? You want to lock them to prevent their modification? Or you want to hide them so that nobody can see them? Then File Properties Editor is what you need! File Properties Editor allows you to edit several properties of any kind of files. - You can edit the properties of any kind of file (files, folders, applications, ...). - You can edit their name, their type, their creator, their creation date and time, their modification date and time, their access date and time. - You can set their type and creator like the ones of any other file. - You can set their creation, modification and access dates and times to the current time or any other time. - You can check their logical and physical size, for both the data and resource forks. - You can delete their data or resource fork. - You can locked them (to prevent them from being modified) and unlock them. - You can make them readable or not and writable or not. - You can make them visible or invisible (to hide them in the Finder so that nobody can see them). - You can make their extension visible or not. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 63
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité File Properties Editor
- Article
- Flock, le navigateur Web social, en version 1.0
Après de longs mois de développement Flock est enfin disponible en version finale 1.0. Flock est un navigateur internet qui a pour objectif d'être le premier "navigateur social", c'est-à-dire que l'on ne fait plus que surfer sur le web, mais on y participe, en envoyant par exemple ses photos sur Flickr, ses vidéos sur YouTube, ou en rencontrant d'autres internautes sur Facebook ou Twitter. Bref, vous l'aurez compris, tout le logiciel fonctionne avec (ou pour) le Web 2.0. Le logiciel est basé sur le moteur de Firefox pour le rendu des pages Web. De nombreux modules devraient être disponibles au téléchargement sur le site du navigateur, une véritable communauté s'étant créée autour du projet. [...]
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Actualités > Flock, le navigateur Web social, en version 1.0
AppleXsoft File Recovery for Mac
Mac File Recovery Software is the safest, most powerful data recovery software tool which recovers Mac computer's data from corrupted, lost, deleted, formatted partitions or from crashed drives.
[...]software tool which recovers mac data from deleted, lost, corrupted, formatted partitions and from crashed drives where Mac based system are installed. support [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 103
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- Licence : Shareware
Sécurité Fichiers AppleXsoft File Recovery for Mac
- Logiciel
Differences Examiner
Differences Examiner allows you to compare text files and display their differences.
[...]You want to highlight their differences to analyze them? Differences Examiner is what you need! Differences Examiner allows you to compare text files and display their differences. - You can compare and display differences between text files. - It shows you the differences by displaying identical, modified and missing lines in color. - It accepts any kind of text file such as plain text or source code. - You can drag and drop the files you want to compare on the window or on the icon of the application. - You can copy and paste or drag and drop the texts you want to compare on the window. - You can display line numbers on the left of each file. - You can hide the identical lines to display only the differences. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 14
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Differences Examiner
- Article
- Flock 1.0 en vue
Flock, le navigateur internet communautaire, va prochainement passer en version 1.0. Deux mois après la sortie de la 0.9, les développeurs ont annoncé cette nouvelle évolution de leur logiciel à l'occasion de la conférence TechCrunch. Une version beta privée est d'ores et déjà disponible (il est tout de même possible de l'essayer en s'inscrivant à la liste de diffusion). Shawn Hardin, directeur exécutif de la société qui programme le logiciel, s'est exprimé sur Flock : En tant que premier navigateur conçu selon la façon dont les gens utilisent le Web communautaire, nous sommes fiers d'avoir été choisis par TechCrunch comme une des 40 startups les plus influentes. (...) Les riches fonctionnalités de Flock éliminent plusieurs étapes, enlèvent toute complexité, et délivrent un meilleur divertissement à nos utilisateurs dans leurs actions quotidiennes . [...]
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Actualités > Flock 1.0 en vue
Open XML File Format Converter
[...]Les documents Word, classeurs Excel et présentations PowerPoint créés dans Office 2008 pour Mac ou Office 2007 sont enregistrés au format Open XML. Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 2545
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- Licence : Freeware
Multimedia Bureautique Open XML File Format Converter
- Logiciel
PDF To JPG Converter for Mac
PDF to JPG Converter for Mac is a Mac application that fast converts PDF documents to image files like JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF or TIFF.
[...]The program also let users customize the output image DPI (Dots per Inch) to get large high quality images, or small thumbnails. When users want to convert several PDF files in bulk, there is a folder creation function can convert each PDF file to each new folder named as the PDF filename. Output Image Formats: JPG (JPEG), TIFF (TIF), BMP, PNG, GIF. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 142
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité PDF To JPG Converter for Mac
PDF Merger Mac
PDF Merger Mac is a free Mac OS X application that let you merge several PDF documents into one single PDF file.
[...]The merged PDF file will keep the original formatting, page size and page orientation. PDF Merger Mac also allows you to adjust the PDF sequence by the UP and DOWN buttons, which means you can simply add your PDF documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders. Merge 1,000+ PDF Files in few seconds [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 353
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire Productivité PDF Merger Mac
- Logiciel
321Soft Data Recovery Express
321Soft Data Recovery Express (FREE undelete utility) is a do-it-yourself and free data recovery solution for FAT and NTFS file systems.
[...]It designed to easily recover deleted files whether they have been deleted from the command line, from within an application, Windows Explorer, removed from the Recycle Bin, files originally deleted using Shift + Delete keys bypassing Recycle Bin or files deleted from DOS prompt. It will even recover files that have been deleted by accidentally formatted drives, software crashes and virus attacks! Unlike many free undelete and data recovery tools, 321Soft Data Recovery Express is a safe, non-destructive data recovery software for Windows. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 23
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire Productivité 321Soft Data Recovery Express
- Article
- Flock, le navigateur web social, à l'heure du 2.0
Petit jeu de mot très tentant dans le titre. En effet, à l'heure du web 2.0, le navigateur web social Flock nous revient dans sa nouvelle version 2.0. La particularité de Flock est de faciliter l'utilisation de tous ces services en ligne qui font partie des réseaux sociaux et médias, tels Facebook, Flickr, Photobucket, YouTube, Twitter, Blogger, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc., et qui sont intégrés directement dans le logiciel. Pour ce qui est des améliorations apportées par cette nouvelle version, elle s'appuie sur les technologies de Firefox 3, fournissant une expérience de navigation web plus rapide, sûr et stable, selon les termes du site de Flock. MySpace est également intégré au navigateur, tandis que Revver a été ajouté comme service dans la barre Media et enfin que le logiciel détecte désormais les flux Media RSS pour les ajouter dans la barre Media. [...]
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Actualités > Flock, le navigateur web social, à l'heure du 2.0