of Dragons How to
CPU Speed Accelerator
CPU Speed Accelerator allows you to drastically increase the CPU allocated to your foreground applications to make the most of the power of your Macintosh.
[...]At very low cost? You want to increase by 20% to 30% the speed of your applications without spending money in new hardware? You want to automatically always make the most of the power of your CPU to the foreground application you are using? Then CPU Speed Accelerator is what you need! CPU Speed Accelerator allows you to drastically increase the CPU allocated to your foreground applications to make the most of the power of your Mac. - It can increase by up to 30% the power of your Mac. - It automatically detects the foreground application you are using. - It redirects unused processing power of your CPU to the foreground application. - You can set the percentage of acceleration between 0% and 100%. - It tells the Process Manager of the UNIX layer of MacOS to always assign the maximum priority to the foreground application. - It appears in the right side of the menu bar. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is absolutely not harmful at all for you Mac and your Applications, since it does not modify anything on your Mac but just optimizes its processing power, only when the application is running. - It is available in Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 144
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Optimisation CPU Speed Accelerator
- Logiciel
File Monitor
File Monitor allows you to be notified of modifications occurring to any kind of files.
[...]You want to monitor the content of particular folders or dropboxes? You want to monitor the modification of particular files? Then File Monitor is what you need! File Monitor allows you to be notified of modifications occurring to any kind of files. - You can monitor several files and folders at the same time. - You can drag and drop files and folders to add them in the monitoring window. - You can automatically add folders inside a root folder recursively. - You can adjust the monitoring period. - It can automatically start monitoring at launch. - You can open modified files when their modification is detected. - It can automatically send a full detailed email to any recipients when a modification is detected. - It can monitor modification dates, and/or sizes, and/or numbers of contained files (for folders). - It can automatically continue to monitor after a modification is detected. - It can bounce its icon when a modification is detected. - It can speak when a modification is detected. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 20
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité File Monitor
- Logiciel
Keystrokes Pronouncer
Keystrokes Pronouncer allows you to hear each pronounceable key you press on your keyboard.
[...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 5
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Keystrokes Pronouncer
- Article
- Google AdWords cible de pirates
Mauvaise nouvelle pour Google : selon le journal en ligne du Times des pirates informatiques auraient réussi à s'introduire dans le service publicitaire de Google afin de diriger frauduleusement des internautes sur un site contenant un virus. Ce piratage, ne ciblant que les utilisateur de Windows, ferait apparaître un lien publicitaire semblant diriger vers le site AllBusiness.com, mais pointant réellement vers un site web créé spécialement afin d'installer un virus de type KeyLogger sur la machine du visiteur. Celui-ci se chargerait alors d'enregistrer toutes les frappes clavier, permettant par exemple de révéler les mots de passes utilisés sur la machine. Les liens publicitaires seraient apparus lorsque la recherche effectuée comportait les termes « how to start a business ». Toutefois aucun nombre n'a été révélé quand au nombre de machines touchées par ce piratage. [...]
Lire la suite
Actualités > Google AdWords cible de pirates
- Logiciel
Mouse Position Menu
Mouse Position Menu allows you to display your mouse position in the menu bar.
[...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 13
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Mouse Position Menu
- Logiciel
Startup Chime Stopper
Startup Chime Stopper allows you to remove the irritating chime of your Macintosh at startup.
[...]You want to remove it? You want to start your Mac without noise? Then Startup Chime Stopper is what you need! Startup Chime Stopper allows you to remove the irritating chime of your Mac at startup. - It removes the irritating chime of your Mac at startup. - It is a background application that does not appear in the Dock. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Version 7.0: - A full recompilation has been made to be compatible with El Capitan and Sierra, and as Universal Binary to keep being compatible with both old (PowerPC) Macs and recent (Intel) Macs. - The "How to intall it?" paragraph of the documentation has been updated to explain how to install and launch the Application in particular under Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks, 10.10 Yosemite, 10.11 El Capitan and 10.12 Sierra. Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 26
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Startup Chime Stopper
- Logiciel
Desktop Web Browser
Desktop Web Browser allows you to navigate the internet and to display webpages directly on the desktop of the Finder.
[...]You want to display a webpage as your desktop wallpaper? Then Desktop Web Browser is what you need! Desktop Web Browser allows you to navigate the internet and to display webpages directly on the desktop of the Finder. - You can navigate the internet directly on the desktop of the Finder. - You can set the URL of the webpage loaded by default at start. - You can set the transparency of the browser to see your original desktop wallpaper underneath. - You can set the refresh period of the browser if you want to automatically refresh the webpage periodically. - You just need to press the Alt key to open the links into Safari. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish and many other languages. Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 100
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- Licence : Shareware
Internet Navigateur Desktop Web Browser
World of Warcraft : Mists of Pandaria
[...]Il vous propose une aventure immersive dans un univers très vaste. Vous allez devoir créer votre avatar en choisissant sa race et sa classe. Le système de personnalisation est suffisamment varié pour vous permettre de créer un personnage à votre goût. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 0
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- Licence : Shareware
Jeux RPG World of Warcraft : Mists of Pandaria
Font Viewer
Font Viewer allows you to list, compare, try and print all installed fonts on your system.
[...]You want to compare them? You want to display all their possible main characters in any style, any size and any color? You want to display them with your own text sample? [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 80
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Font Viewer
- Logiciel
JPG to PDF Converter for Mac
JPG To PDF Converter for Mac creates PDF documents fromJPG, TIF, PNG, BMP or GIF files that you select.
[...]Simply drag and drop your images and photos onto the application, and click Convert Now button to start the task. If you want to change the page sequence, simply click the Move Up or Move Down buttons, or drag the image path and drop to the correct row. With JPG To PDF Converter for Mac, You can easily produce PDF eBooks from image materials, and create PDF contract from scanned images JPG (JPEG), TIFF (TIF), BMP, PNG, GIF. NOTE: This application can convert single-page TIFF format images to PDF documents, but CANNOT convert the Multi-page TIFF Image to PDF format. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 76
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité JPG to PDF Converter for Mac
- Logiciel
X To 3DMF Converter
X To 3DMF Converter allows you to convert Direct3D X files into 3DMF files.
[...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 82
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité X To 3DMF Converter
Path to Park
Path to Park combat l'un des principaux facteurs de stress quotidien : garer votre voiture en ville.
[...]21 November 2015 , est la date de publication de Path to Park . Path to Park n'est pas une application très volumineuse, vous devrez cependant bénéficier de 9.9 Mo Mo sur votre terminal! Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 0
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- Licence : App Store
Pratique Pratique Path to Park
- Logiciel
iPhone Data Recovery for Mac
321Soft iPhone Data Recovery for Mac is a full-featured and world-leading tool which runs on Mac OS X to recover deleted or lost files from iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
[...]No matter what kind of reason leads to the data loss, you can use 321Soft Mac iPhone Data Rescue software to retrieve up to 12 types of lost files from your iOS devices, such as SMS, photos, videos, contacts, call history, text, SMS messages, notes and more. It provides two recovery modes to meet different needs: Recover data from iOS device This software has user-friendly interface to guide users to easily recover iOS files. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 187
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Optimisation iPhone Data Recovery for Mac
Dragon Ball Legends iOS
[...]Dragon Ball Legends est un jeu de combat pour mobile au sein du quel vous incarnez les personnages emblématiques du manga. videmment Goku est de la partie, mais il n'est pas seul. Vous découvrirez dès le début un personnage énigmatique. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 0
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- Licence : App Store
Jeux Action Dragon Ball Legends iOS
AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac
AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac allows you to batch convert and resize thousands of graphic files on Mac OS X with a few clicks.
[...]What's more, you can batch resize thousands of graphics and photos. It uses special convert and resize algorithms to produce high quality images. It supports a variety of graphic formats which includes JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, BMP, TGA, PSD, PCX, RAS, ICO, CUR, RAW formats, etc. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 93
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Optimisation AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac
World of Tanks Blitz sur Mac
La Seconde Guerre Mondiale est le thème de ce Free-To-Play haletant où il faudra faire preuve de stratégie pour vaincre ses adversaires en ligne.
[...]Le célèbre free-to-play au succès mondial (40 millions de téléchargements) vous donne la possibilité d'affronter des adversaires dans le monde entier. Vous avez le choix parmi plus de 200 véhicules blindés emblématiques de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. World Of Tanks dispose de 23 zones de combat. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 169
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- Licence : Freeware
Jeux Stratégie World of Tanks Blitz sur Mac
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
[...]Le premier vous plonge dans la peau d'un marine américain coincé en pleine guérilla, tandis que le second vous permet d'incarner un agent d'élite britannique embarqué dans plusieurs missions secrètes, notamment en Russie. Habilement scénarisé, Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare ne change pas son fusil d'épaule. Le but étant le même que dans le précédent opus : tuer tous vos adversaires sans vous faire prendre à votre propre jeu. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 74
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- Licence : App Store
Jeux Action Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
AROW 1.0
AROW organizes open windows on your Mac OS X. [...]
[...]You can instantly resize, position, arrange windows, simply by dragging them to the edges of your screen. Depending on where you drag a window, you can maximize your windows, position them side by side, take up half screen etc., AROW makes reading, organizing, and comparing windows so easy. You can set keyboard shortcuts to be more productive, and customize the event when clicking on one of the top left buttons, or lets you quickly resize a windows with the smart grid panel. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 55
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité AROW 1.0
Screen Movie Recorder
Screen Movie Recorder allows you to record in a QuickTime movie what happens on your screen.
[...]You want to be able to record any selected region of your screen? You want to record them as QuickTime movies to replay them with QuickTime Player on Macintosh and Windows? Then Screen Movie Recorder is what you need! Screen Movie Recorder allows you to record in a QuickTime movie what happens on your screen. - It records in a QuickTime movie what happens on your screen. - You can set the number of frames per second of the record. - You can select the region to record and make it fixed or follow the mouse. - You can show or hide the mouse. - It appears in the right side of the menu bar. - It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. - It is available in Basque, Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and many other languages.Read the whole documentation for more details... Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 205
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire Productivité Screen Movie Recorder
Borderlands 2 : Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
[...]Les gamers sont plongés au cur d'une partie de jeu de rôle orchestrée par la jeune Tina. Vous devrez ainsi mener une quête épique et légèrement loufoque dans un monde sombre en constante évolution. Entouré de donjons, châteaux et forêts magiques, vous devrez partir à la recherche d'un nouveau butin et bien évidemment affronter toutes sortes de créatures telles que des orcs, des squelettes, des dragons, et bien plus encore. [...] Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargements : 0
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- Licence : Shareware
Jeux Action Borderlands 2 : Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep